Reaching and Retaining Student Technology Club Members

During my venture back into education, I have made it a mission to try and stimulate student interest in professional and technology clubs on campus. One of those clubs is AITP (Association of Information Technology Professionals). I wrote this article for the AITP National website last semester. Why do student AITP chapters have such a […]


According to Follow-Through is… noun 1. the completion of a motion, as in the stroke of a tennis racket 2. the portion of such a motion after the ball has been hit 3. the act of continuing a plan, project, scheme, or the like to its completion   I propose that Follow-Through is not […]

Has Your Website Been Updated Resently

Studies show that regularly changing your content brings viewers back to your website.  In addition, dormant websites do not get SEO rankings as high.  For this reason, you should blog regularly and add multiple feeds from other sources.  The number of backlinks to other active websites improves your search ranking.